Past Projects
The all-volunteer staff and in-country partners of Peace Harvest have demonstrated exceptional return on investment in past projects. By building long-term relationships with many members of a community in northern Uganda, we have partnered with other non-profits to bring in various technologies appropriate to the needs of those in Lamwo district.
Oxen Training
After 25 years of war and 15 years in refugee camps, farmers in northern Uganda had lost virtually all cattle and much of the know-how of using oxen to plow fields. Peace Harvest's first project brought oxen themselves and Tiller International's oxen training practices to farmers desperate to rebuild agro-economies.
Building ergonomic yokes out of locally available materials to extend the working life of oxen
Training oxen to respond to various commands, enabling one person to do what previously took three people
Agribusiness practices
Cooperative model in which each pair of oxen was given to a dozen individuals working together by contract
Sunflower Press Factory
Building on a concept developed by those languishing in refugee camps, Peace Harvest volunteers and the Lamwo community came together to create an industrial-scale sunflower seed milling press where farmers can sell their crop for cash and customers can buy high quality, nutritious cooking oil.
Local, value-add processing
Easy to farm entry cash crop suitable for all members of the community
$120,000 USD initial investment in 2012 continues to generate more than that every year
Tens of thousands of farmers served
By-product supports animal husbandry

Water Filtration
Peace Harvest board members and in-country partners taught Aqua Clara's method of constructing simple but highly effective water filters made from locally available materials. Later phases of the project mentored entrepreneurs eager to build and sell these filters to a broader geographic area.